Hair Straightening Cream Linked to Kidney Injury, Experts Warn

Hair Straightening Cream Linked to Kidney Injury, Experts Warn

Popular hair straightening treatments may come with a hidden health risk, according to a new report. Researchers documented the case of a young woman who experienced repeated episodes of acute kidney injury following straightening procedures. The culprit? Hair products containing glyoxylic acid, a chemical introduced as a safer alternative to formaldehyde. The report, published in…

Now that Measles is staging a comeback!

Now that Measles is staging a comeback!

Measles, once thought to be under control, has reared its head once more, threatening the health and well-being of millions worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently expressed deep concern regarding the alarming escalation of measles cases globally, with over 306,000 reported cases last year alone, marking a staggering 79% increase from 2022. Natasha Crowcroft,…

Rhesus Incompatibility: Pregnancy Issues You Should Know

Rhesus Incompatibility: Pregnancy Issues You Should Know

The human body is delicately designed to protect itself from external invasion through a protective immune system. This system helps to keep diseases and infections at bay and serves as a self-defence against external invasion. All these protective activities happen behind the scenes, and we are hardly aware of them. Sometimes though, this immune system…

Hepatitis: Africa must do more to save the future!

Hepatitis: Africa must do more to save the future!

Hepatitis, characterized by liver inflammation, primarily stems from viral infections, with five main types labeled A through E. Every 30 seconds, a life succumbs to complications from viral hepatitis. While anyone can be affected, marginalized communities bear a disproportionate burden due to inadequate healthcare access. Every 30 seconds, a life succumbs to complications from viral…

COVID-19 Patient Who Escaped from Imo Arrested While Selling Used Clothes in Ondo Market

First Published June 7, 2020. A patient diagnosed with COVID-19, who escaped from Imo state, has been arrested at a popular market in Akure, Ondo state while selling used clothes. A patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Imo State, South-East Nigeria, has been arrested while selling used clothes, popularly referred to as ‘okrika’, in the largest…

“Under The Net” Malaria Campaign Kicks Off June 16 in Uganda

First Published on June 15, 2020 The Ugandan government is flagging-off the distribution of mosquito nets tomorrow in an effort aimed at promoting net utilization in UGANDA. The ministry of health in Uganda will tomorrow 16th June 2020 kick off a Malaria campaign programme tagged: ‘Under the Net’. The programme will feature the flagging off…

We are seeing severe forms of COVID-19 with more deaths in Uganda – Minister

First posted on November 25, 2020 The minister in charge of Primary Health Care in Uganda has expressed worries over cases of severe forms of COVID-19 in Uganda. The Minister of State in charge of Primary Health Care in Uganda, Dr. Joyce Modiku Kaducu, has expressed worries over severe forms of COVID-19 with more deaths…